Cristian Paluso





film photographer



A deaf dancer reconnects with an old flame in this emotionally fueled silent film.

Faye: An Interlude

About the Project:

This piece was made for the Portland 48-Hour Film Project 2023. 48 hours, ZERO budget, and a cast and crew of 22 incredibly talented people that were willing to drop everything last minute and spend a hectic weekend with us — truly a testament to what Portland creatives can achieve and the support of this community.


  • Writer

  • Director

  • Producer

  • Composer

  • “WOW! WOW! WOW! First of all: the cinematography is looking su-per-b. Absolutlely fantastic. From the shots made at night to the shots by daylight, they all just suck you into the story. All the small details like the short blurr when seeing the close-up hand in the bedroom scene, they all just combine together so nice. Normally a ''Non-Dialogue'' Film is a film as such because the director thought it was more powerful to leave the story without dialogue. But this is from a new dimension. Yes, of course it's a ''Non-Dialogue'' but with the idea of sign language. Wow.. absolutely speechless (No pun intended). But overall, great, great work!”

    - Benelux International Film Festival

Madam Ooi’s finishing school for boys

While dealing with the fallout of a toxic relationship and homelessness, Charlie fumbles through his version of male sex work to make ends meet. Things take a turn, for better and worse, when the enigmatic Madam Ooi recruits him into her underground “finishing school”.


  • Writer

  • Director

  • Producer

  • Colorist

  • Editor

  • Music Coordinator

  • 1st AD

  • “Charlie”

About the Project:

Melanie Ooi and I created this experimental short/proof-of-concept pilot for our dramedy series, "Madam Ooi's Finishing School for Boys", in just 3.5 days with a budget of $400 (half of which was food for the cast and 6-person crew) and none of it would've been possible without the invaluable volunteered time and expertise of everyone involved.

The little Merman

An isolated woman makes a mysterious discovery on the beach in this psychological fantasy with an unexpected twist.

  • Editor

  • Colorist

  • “The Merman”


  • Writer

  • Director

  • Producer

About the Project:

Melanie Ooi and I created this project with about a day of shooting, a day of editing, and three hours to score — by far our smallest crew (3 of us), our quickest project, and, working exclusively with natural light and the unpredictable high tide, the project with the most challenging factors. Once again, our DP Zach Mckinley brought his A-game and absolutely nailed the vision Melanie and I wanted to realize. The cherry on top was an original score by the amazing Harlan Silverman that helped this piece transcend the need for dialogue and brings the viewer on an eery journey into our main character’s mind.


“Talk my shit”


  • Writer

  • Director

  • Producer

  • Editor

  • Colorist

  • 1st AD

About the Project:

This was my first music video project and it wasn’t without its trials and tribulations, but we ended with a product we all enjoyed creating together. Laine gave us free rein to develop this concept and was game for anything — he truly is a talent just waiting to hit and an absolute gem of a human. My co-director Payton Meyer brought the energy to elevate the piece and our DP Zach McKinley made it look easy (as he always does).

Talilo MArfil

“woke up 1st” (Concept)


  • Concept Editor

  • Colorist

About the Project:

The director and DP, Travis Stanton, invited me to the shoot as a friend and it all fell into place. Watching Talilo perform his heart out in the ring and just how animated Travis was behind the camera inspired this vision.